
Midnight Marathon

Created by World Champ Game Co

Five new horror tabletop zines from Adam Vass! Vampires, demonic spirits, cryptids, and much more.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Answer Surveys! Digital today, Physical this month
6 days ago – Thu, Mar 06, 2025 at 07:54:47 AM

hey gang, short and sweet update:

Answer your surveys, you should've got an email from Backerkit this week to do so. I need those to process your order, and if you don't finish it by end of April, I can't guarantee your rewards anymore. About half of you have done so this week, thank you!

Digital packages are outbound. Once I hit publish on this update, I'll be sending download keys via for each of the five games! PLEASE leave a 5-star rating and/or nice comment on the game pages, it helps me a ton. Each game will come as a separate key email unfortunately so be sure to check spam if you're missing stuff.

Physical pledges are nearing in.
All the print zines have been ordered, I'm working on the card deck right now, and things are going very smooth. Almost too smooth. I'll be locking down orders/addresses in like 2 weeks which gives me time to receive all the mail and get your shipping payments processed and all that. 


Surveys, Progress, All Good Things
13 days ago – Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 12:17:46 PM

The campaign is over and y'all exceeded my expectations with this one, thanks a ton. We ended up at around 200 backers (199 to be exact but like.. cmon).

I'm waiting for processing times and funds to get sent, which will take another week, but the survey is done and ready to send. I'll likely send the smoke test (5% of you get surveys to test) very soon, so please answer them right away! Things are going to move fast in the next couple weeks and I don't want any of y'all to get left behind.

With that said, all five zines are done. They are ready to go to print, but I'm leaving the surveys open for another week or two to get accurate counts before ordering. I gotta make itch listings for the few new games and get digital files prepared but those will go out very soon too like... March 11th. As a reminder, those will come to you via emails, one for each of the five games so check spam folders.

Anyway, here are some page previews with new art/text! Enjoy and keep an eye on your email for those surveys, some of you this week and the rest of you next Thursday March 6th.

And by the way, I have a couple games on clearance in my webstore right now, no code needed. You can use code JAWBREAKER and save 10% more even.

Your Soul Is Mine: Another Unlock
27 days ago – Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 12:53:08 PM

we hit $6k today which is so awesome and that means the Rites of Exorcism zine is getting expanded! I initially said the zine would be four games, it is now (at least) six, though everrytime I go to mess with it, I feel a little demonic tickle of inspiration and want to make more, so it might end up being eight. I won't make that a separate goal though, suffice to say I will make that zine a good one and on par with the others :)

There's one week left on the campaign and we've passed all my expectations, I'm really pleased and appreciate your support!

Next week as we close up, I'll detail the next steps ie the pledge manager, handling your shipping and add-ons and stuff. as mentioned elsewhere, you'll be able to make bundles of zines if you want 2-3 games and not all five, or if you just want one zine that isn't blood lock, or you want a deck of cards, or whatever other combination isn't available with the current pledge levels.

Until then, as promised, here is another 36-word microgame that will be inside Rites! Layout is wip/not final but enjoy Soul Circle:

Mystery Revealed! Get ready to Spin The Bottle
30 days ago – Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 08:53:29 AM

We reached 100 backers over the weekend, thanks so much for helping accomplish this milestone! So today I get to reveal the mystery horror game...


a horror game for 3-6 players of teenage parties, shared trauma, and the inability to escape either one. Using a deck of cards, an empty bottle, and this zine, you'll weave together blurry memories of missing kids and paranormal experiences, kegstands and closet kisses, and a grim future where you won't all survive. 

Pledge Manager note

A few folks have asked but I want to make it a little clearer: you will be able to add individual zines and the blood lock card deck later on with the pledge manager. If you want two of the zines and not all five, that's totally possible! You'll be able to select the titles you want in the add-on store later on. However, each individual zine is $15, so getting all five for $45 is a killer deal.

Now let's keep working towards our other remaining stretch goal: at 6k, The Rites of Exorcism will be expanded with two additional microgames! I'll even share another one of them with backers once we hit that goal as a little taste.

THANK YOU! Please tell your horror-loving and roleplaying friends about this campaign. We have just over a week left and things have slowed down quite a bit (as is to be expected after a really exciting first couple days) so I need help spreading the word. 

Watch any scary movies this weekend? Comment your review below. 

Funded in 9 hours!
about 1 month ago – Wed, Feb 05, 2025 at 11:23:42 AM

A short and sweet update to let you all know that the Midnight Marathon will become an unreality thanks to your support. We funded this baby in just a few hours on the first day and there are two weeks left!

Now, we work towards our stretch goals:
  • At $6,000, I'll expand The Rites Of Exorcism from 4 games to 6-8. 
  • At 100 backers, I'll tell you what the Mystery Title is. 

Please tell your horror freak friends about this campaign and let's crush these benchmarks together! 

Also as a note, you will be able to add on individual titles, extra zines, and the Blood Lock card deck in the pledge manager which will be open for all of March.